أشرطة الفيديو الإباحية

Teddi Barrett

اسماء مستعارة: Teddi Barret, Teddy Barret, Teddy Barrett, Deborah Annie Smith Lowe

بلد: United States

ولد: 1959-02-22

عين: Blue

شعر: Red

ارتفاع: 175

وزن: 68

الثدي: Fake

المشاهدات: 2.2K

نجوم البورنو Teddi Barrett أشرطة الفيديو الإباحية

1 أشرطة فيديو
After the death of her husband, Barrett was left to raise her two sons by herself. Barrett decided to go back to school, earn her GED, and earn a college degree in physical therapy. While in school, Barrett was holding up two jobs and being a mother to her sons. By the mid-1990s, Barrett decided to go into the adult entertainment industry. Barrett began as an exotic dancer at a local club.

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تتجه نجوم البورنو
